The following statistics were compiled from the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association (APPMA) 2007-2008 National Pet Owners Survey.
- There are approximately 74.8 million owned dogs in the United States
- Thirty-nine percent of U.S. households own at least one dog
- Most owners (63 percent) own one dog
- Twenty-five percent of owners own two dogs
- Twelve percent of owners own three or more dogs
- On average, owners have almost two dogs (1.7)
- The proportion of male to female dogs is even
- Ten percent of owned dogs were adopted from an animal shelter
- On average, dog owners spent $219 on veterinary visits (vaccine, well visits) annually
- Seventy-five percent of owned dogs are spayed or neutered
- There are approximately 88.3 million owned cats in the United States
- Nearly 34 percent of U.S. households (or 38.4 million) own at least one cat
- Fifty-six percent of owners own more than one cat
- On average, owners have two cats (2.3)
- More female cats are owned than male cats (73 percent vs. 63 percent respectively)
- Eighteen percent of owned cats were adopted from an animal shelter
- Cat owners spent an average of $175 on routine veterinary visits
- Eighty-seven percent of owned cats are spayed or neutered
For additional information on pet ownership statistics, contact the APPMA at 255 Glenville Rd., Greenwich, CT 06831, 800-452-1225, or visit